
Career Development Program

Career Development Program 

NIH Medical Research Scholars Program

Who is it for?

The Career Development Program offers professional development to:

  • Early stage investigators in environmental health sciences
  • Established researchers new to environmental health sciences 

How does it work?

The program facilitates new scientific knowledge, technical capabilities and inter- and trans-disciplinary research groups. The program offers researchers:

  • Mentoring 
  • Environmental Health Sciences Scholar Program
  • Best Practices in Research Program Management and Leadership
  • Monthly Aims Review Meeting

Its goal is to develop an environmental health sciences workforce that can solve future environmental health problems. Check our events listing for upcoming meetings.

What does the program offer?

Aims Review

Our monthly Aims Review helps investigators prepare to submit intramural or extramural research proposals by assigning a senior scientist or scientists to review the project's Specific Aims. These reviews happen regularly on the second Monday of each month from 12:00 PM—1:30 PM on Zoom. See our events calendar for details.

Environmental Health Sciences Scholars

Each year, the UC Davis Environmental Health Sciences Center recognizes an up-and-coming researcher who shows exceptional talent and promise in their field of study. Read about the Environmental Health Science Scholar Award and UC Davis researchers who've earned this distinction so far:

UC Davis School of Medicine Environmental Health Sciences Fellowship

The UC Davis School of Medicine Environmental Health Sciences Fellowship is a unique opportunity for promising junior to mid-career faculty at the UC Davis School of Medicine (SOM) that can accelerate their career development as independent, multi-disciplinary researchers and academic leaders. Our Center established this fellowship with the SOM as one of its major strategic initiatives to recruit investigators new to EHS who bring expertise, innovative approaches and technology that can expand research to create new opportunities for growing a cadre of environmental health researchers at UCD. Our inaugural SOM Fellows are:

Best Practices in Research Program Management

This program runs over the course of the semester with sign-ups announced through the Center listserv. If you're interested in participating in the next one, contact one of the Career Development Program Co-directors (listed below). In the past, curriculum included sessions on: effective meetings, communication, conflict, budgeting, leadership, and community engagement. 


If you have questions or need more information about this program, feel free to reach out to one of the co-directors:

Career Development Program Co-directors