The UC Davis School of Medicine Environmental Health Sciences Dean's Fellowship is for promising junior to mid-career faculty in the SOM to accelerate their career development and create a path for others to follow in the area of environmental health sciences. Below are the EHS Dean's Fellow award recipients for 2022.
Sanchita Bhatnagar, PhD

Dr. Sanchita Bhatnagar is an associate professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology at UC Davis. Dr. Bhatnagar’s research focus is to investigate how cell-type-specific gene expression patterns direct cell fate and how a diversion in these normal patterns cause disease. Dr. Bhatnagar’s upcoming research program entails demonstrating that toxicant exposure is linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder and to identify molecular interactions that could be targeted using therapeutic interventions.
Shaina Willen, MD

Dr. Shaina Willen is a Clinical Health Sciences assistant professor and a board-certified provider in both Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology and Pediatric Pulmonology at UC Davis Children’s Hospital. Dr. Willen’s research focus is to improve outcomes related to pulmonary complications for children and adults with sickle cell disease (SCD). Her next research project entails investigating the feasibility of wearing personal sensors to examine the impact of environmental exposure on disease-related complications in individuals with SCD.