Monthly Aims Review Meetings
Our monthly Aims Review, a part of our Career Development Program, helps investigators prepare to submit intramural or extramural research proposals by reviewing the project's Specific Aims.
Investigators preparing to submit a grant proposal are invited to share their Specific Aims page and get feedback from experts in Epidemiology, Exposure Science, Toxicology, Biostatistics, Translational Medicine, and Community-Based Participatory Research.
If you are new to writing "Specific Aims," feel free to explore this guide from NIH or reach out to Alex Mendelmar for any questions.
Aims Reviews happen regularly on the second Monday of each month from 12:00 PM—1:30 PM on Zoom. See our events calendar for details.
If you would like to participate in an Aims Review, fill out this submission form and email Ruth Williams ( your aims by noon on the Friday before the Aims Review meeting.