
Seed funding

How does seed funding work?

The UC Davis Environmental Health Sciences Center (EHSC) invites applications for seed funding for feasibility or new interdisciplinary collaborations with strong potential to lead to a funded submission for a National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) or another grant award.

Seed awards are intended to support activities that are ready to commence upon disbursement of funds, one to two weeks following submission. To check for current funding opportunities, log in to InfoReady and search for "Environmental Health Sciences Center Seed Awards".

Seed awards are supported by the EHSC Exposure Core and Integrated Health Sciences Facility Core. Learn more about EHSC's core resources.

We expect to publish the next call for applications in 2025.

Award details

What should I focus on?

Examples of high priority topic areas to consider include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Human health impacts from wildfire and other extreme weather-related disasters in California
  • Use of nonhuman primate models to study health-related endpoints, specifically those for which non-primate animals can’t mimic human biology
  • Use of nonhuman primates for studying pathogenic mechanisms from exposures to wildfire and extreme weather events
  • Mechanistic studies addressing short- or long-term impacts from wildfire, other extreme weather events, or specific environmental chemicals with demonstrated human exposures
  • Data mining approaches to understanding health impacts of wildfires and associated smoke exposures
  • Wearable sensor device development and pre-testing for use in epidemiologic studies
  • Projects on feasible interventions to improve health outcomes
  • Translational activities involving vulnerable populations or communities

How much is the seed award?

EHSC members may request up to $10,000 and non-members may request up to $6,000. Applications are reviewed once per month. 

How do I apply for seed funding?

  • Seed funding requests must be submitted online via InfoReady
  • For any other questions about this funding opportunity, please contact Ruth Williams (

How else can I fund my research?