Laura Van Winkle

International Women's Day Q&A with Scientists and Staff

March 8th is International Women's Day. To celebrate, we sat down with some of our staff and scientists to ask about the women who inspired them.

Below is a transcript of our conversations – edited for brevity and clarity. 

International Women in Science Day Q & A

February 11th is International Women and Girls In Science Day. To celebrate, we sat down with four of the Environmental Health Sciences Center Core Leadership Group to ask them about their experience as women in the STEM field and what advice they would give to the next generation.

Below is an edited transcript of our conversation. 

Our Scientists

We’re global leaders in environmental health sciences research who aim to make a difference in the well-being of California’s diverse communities. We work with local groups and governments to identify new approaches in science and develop real-world solutions to the environment’s most challenging health problems. From innovative toxicological studies on Alzheimer’s to pioneering research on the epigenetics of autism, we’re front and center breaking new ground in understanding how the environment interacts with human health.

Wildfire Research: WHAT-Now California?

The WHAT-Now-CA Survey has been ongoing since 2018 and is documenting the physical and mental health impacts climate-fueled urban wildfires are having on Californians.