Position Title
Co-Director, Plot Projects Program, Environmental Health Sciences Center
Judy Van de Water is a professor of medicine at UC Davis Health. She specializes in clinical immunology and immunopathology, with specific training and expertise in the gestational immune environment.
Dr. Van de Water is currently the Co-Director of the NICHD-funded MIND Institute Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, for which she heads the Molecular and Biological Analysis Core.
At the Van de Water Lab, she and her team investigate how the nervous and immune systems interact with each other in health and disease. The Lab is interested in determining types of maternal autoantibodies specific to fetal protein, types of maternal cytokines and chemokines that impact fetal neurodevelopment, and clinical immunology and immunopathology.
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Positions at UC Davis
- Professor, Rheumatology, Allergy, and Clinical Immunology
- Principle Invesitgator,The Van de Water Lab
- Founder, Marabio Systems, Inc
Areas of Expertise
- Immunology
- Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- BS, UC Davis, 1978
- PhD, Immunology, UC Davis, 1988
- American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Research Prize )(1988)
- American Association for Immunologists Travel Award for Berlin to attend International Congress of Immunology, Berlin (1989)
- Special Performance Award, UC Davis (1989)
- UC Davis School of Medicine Team Recognition Award (1997)
- Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program Division of Research Outstanding Paper for autism research (2005)
- Slifka/Ritvo Award for Excellence in Autism Research (2011)
- Ball State University McGovern Award for Autism Research (2012)